Our Vision is to help our clients deliver high quality user experiences for their customers and teams, unlock value and future proof their business.

About the ECLEVA HSE app

ECLEVA HSE app is easy to use and helps you record, manage, and report incidents, injuries, and hazards; plus record and manage a hazardous chemical register.

ECLEVA have focused on the core functions of an organisations HSE department, division, or section to centralise their incident, injury, and hazard management. Plus, users can record all related interactions, such as appointments, emails, phone calls, and tasks with incidents or hazards.


We assume that you have a fundamental understanding of the Power Apps platform, tables (record types), rows (records) and related administration.

What is a table?

A table, or record type, is a group of similar pieces of information, such as information about incidents, injuries, hazards, etc.

What is a row or record?

A record can be thought of as a row in a table, and is specific information about an incident, injury, or hazard.

What is a list or view?

A view is a list of existing records for a specific table.

What is a Business Process Flow?

A business process flow provides a guide to completing the stages involved with an incident

The ECLEVA HSE app includes a few security roles which can be assigned to users. These security roles provide the permissions to access various command bar functions and naviagation options.

HSE User

This security role is for general users of the app, and provides permissions which only allows them to manage their own rows (records). This role allows the user to create, read, and update their data, but prohibits them from deleting any records.

HSE Supervisor

This security role is for the supervisor, or manager, and provides the same permissions as the HSE User role. However, this role also provides additional permission to read and delete all Incidents, Injuries, Hazards, and Hazardous Chemicals.

HSE Admin

This security role is for the power user, or administrator, and provides the combined permissions from the HSE User and HSE Supervisor roles. However, this role also provides additional permission to create, read, update, delete all HSE Locations and HSE Vehicles.

Assigning security roles to users

ECLEVA recommend that the assignment of security roles is actioned via the Power Apps platform, this action must be performed by a Systems Administrator.

  1. Open the Power Apps platform by click on the Power Apps app in your Office 365 account.
  2. Select the environment where the ECLEVA HSE app was installed.
  3. Click on Apps in the Power Apps sitemap/menu.
  4. Select the ECLEVA HSE app from the displayed list of apps.
  5. Click on Share in the command bar.

In the Share ECLEVA HSE side form, you can: –

  1. Manage the available security roles for the app.
    1. Select the App.
    2. Click on the dropdown arrow.
    3. Select the required security roles for the app from the presented list.
  2. Grant access to the app by adding additional people.
    This point assumes that each person added has an appropriate Power Apps license assigned.
  3. Assign a security role to a specific user.
    1. Select a user from the displayed list.
    2. Click on the drop down arrow.
    3. Select or deselect security roles.
  4. Click on the Share button to save your changes.

We hope we have made using the app as intuitive as possible, but it always helps to know how to move around in the app quickly and easily.

  1. The “Waffle”, clicking on this icon will open a list of your Microsoft apps, such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.
  2. The App selector, clicking on the app name will open your list of available Power Apps.
  3. The Actions icons, are a group of icons which allows you to access your Personal Settings amongst other things.
  4. The Command bar, contains permitted functions that can be performed, such as add a New record, Edit a selected record, etc.
  5. The View selector, clicking on the name or down arrow will display a list of different views or dashboards.
  6. The “Hamburger”, if clicked will collapse or expand the navigation area.
  7. The Sitemap or Menu, is where you can access the different table types by clicking on the desired table name, dashboard, or powerboard option.
  8. The Area selector, is where you can change the area within the app to access either the Health & Safety or HSE Settings
  9. The help icon, is where you can access the online HSE app user documentation.

The Health & Safety area is where the HSE app user can manage, and report incidents, injuries, and hazards; plus record and manage a hazardous chemical register


The dashboards provide aggregated information about existing active incidents, injuries, hazards, and activities using lists and graphics.

  1. Clicking on the Dashboards option in the Sitemap will display your default dashboard.
  2. Click on the dashboard name or dropdown arrow to switch between dashboard options.

The Incident Insights dashboard

Below is an example of the Incident Insights dashboard.

  1. Incident Reported Over Months
    This is a graphical summary of all active incidents reported over months for your organization.
  2. Active Incident List
    This is a list of all active incidents for your organization, and you can open an incident by clicking on it.
  3. Confidential Incidents Reported
    You can see a summary of all active confidential incidents within your organization.
  4. Incidents By Manager
    You can see a summary of all active incidents by manager in your organization.

The HSE Incidents summary dashboard
  1. Period selector
  2. Visual Filter toggle
  3. Tile View toggle

Below is an example of the HSE Incidents summary dashboard.
Clicking on the down arrow within a listed item will display more information about that item.

  1. HSE Incidents by Manager
    This is a graphical summary of all active incidents by manager, filtered by the selected period.
  2. HSE Reported Incidents by Month
    This is a graphical summary of all reported incidents by month, filtered by the selected period.
  1. HSE Incidents by Confidentiality
    This is a graphical summary of all active incidents by confidentiality, filtered by the selected period.


Clicking on the down arrow within a listed item will display more information about that item.

  1. Active Incidents
    This is a list of all active incidents, filtered by the selected period, sorted by last modified date in descending order.
  1. Active Hazards
    This is a list of active hazard records, sorted by last modified date in descending order.
  1. Active Injuries
    This is a list of active injury records, sorted by last modified date in descending order.
  1. My Activities
    This is a list of your active activities, sorted by last updated date in descending order.
•  The visual filters are hidden by default, you need to toggle them on before thy become visible.

The HSE Incidents, Injury, & Hazards summary dashboard
  1. Period selector

Below is an example of the HSE Incidents, Injury, & Hazards summary dashboard.

Clicking on the down arrow within a listed item will display more information about that item.

  1. Active Incidents list
    This is a list of all active incidents, filtered by the selected period, sorted by last modified date in descending order.


Clicking a chart element will further filter the dashboard display.

  1. HSE Reported Incidents by Month
    This is a graphical summary of all reported incidents by month, filtered by the selected period.
  1. HSE Incidents by Manager
    This is a graphical summary of all active incidents by manager, filtered by the selected period.
  2. HSE Police reported incidents by month
    This is a graphical summary of all active incidents that have been reported to police, filtered by the selected period.
  1. HSE Work related incidents
    This is a graphical summary of all active work related incidents, filtered by the selected period.
  1. HSE Incidents by Confidentiality
    This is a graphical summary of all active incidents by confidentiality, filtered by the selected period.


Clicking on the View option within a tile will display a popup list of records.

Clicking on an item in the popup list will open that record.

  1. Active Incidents Filtered tile
    This is a summary tile, displaying the number of active incidents, filtered by the selected period.
  1. HSE Police reported incidents Filtered tile
    This is a summary tile, displaying the number of active incidents that have been reported to police, filtered by the selected period.
  1. HSE Incidents resulting in injury Filtered tile
    This is a summary tile, displaying the number of active incidents where one or more injuries have been sustained, filtered by the selected period.
  1. My Activities tile
    This is a summary tile, displaying the number of activities that have been created by or assigned to you.
  1. My Tasks tile
    This is a summary tile, displaying the number of tasks that have been created by or assigned to you.


The Incident table type is where you can manage your incident rows by viewing, updating, deleting and creating new rows (records).

The Active Incident view

The Active Incident view displays all existing incident rows.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing incidents.

  1. Click on the Incidents option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the incident Name to directly open that record.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions also control the visible command bar buttons.

Creating a new Incident from an incident view
  1. You can add new incidents by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will open a blank Incident form.

Creating a new Incident from an open incident
  1. You can also add a new incident by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will check the open incident for any unsaved changes, before opening a blank incident form.

The General tab

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the row.

In the General tab enter all the mandatory fields: –

  1. Name – enter the name that you wish to give this incident.
  2. Please classify Incident – add the classifications relative to this incident… select one or more classifications if appropriate.
    Different classifications will unhide various sections relevant to the selected classes.
  3. Reported On – enter or select the date on which the incident was reported.
  4. Supervisor / Manager – enter and select the name of the supervisor or manager… start typing a name to be presented with a list from which to select.

Enter any other relevant information in other fields on this tab, and then click on the Specifics tab.


•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

The Specifics tab

In the Information section of the Specifics tab, enter any relevant information or click on a toggle to change an answer to a question.

In the Details section of the Specifics tab: –

  • select the Incident Risk Category by clicking on a coloured square in the risk matrix… this action will auto fill the text associated with the selected risk matrix number,
  • select the Incident Risk Category – Worst Case by clicking on a coloured square in the risk matrix… this action will auto fill the text associated with the selected risk matrix number,
  • select the Was Reported Externally (Yes or No) by clicking on the toggle, and
  • enter the External Enity Report To name, and
  • enter or select a date for the Date Reported Externally

The Injury/Hazard/Interactions tab

In the Injury/Hazard/Interactions tab, you can: –

  1. Add one or more existing Injury records by clicking on the Add Existing Injury option in the Associated Injuries
  2. Add one or more existing Hazard records by clicking on the Add Existing Hazard option in the Associated Hazards
  3. Add one or more new Notes or Activities by clicking on the + icon in the Interactions

•  You can only add existing injury or hazard records, and new Notes or Activities, once the incident has been saved.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

Adding an existing Injury to an Incident

After clicking on the Add Existing Injury option, a Lookup Records form will slide in from the right side of your screen… you will need to find and select the injury record(s) by: –

  1. Entering your search string into the “Look for records” box.
  2. Clicking on a displayed record to select that record, or revise your search string if the required record is not displayed.
  3. Clicking on another displayed record to select that record, or enter a new search string into the “Add more records” box.
  4. Clicking on the Add button to associate the selected record(s) with this incident

•  Add an * to the beginning of a search string to look for the string with the name of an injury.

Adding an existing Hazard to an Incident

After clicking on the Add Existing Hazard option, a Lookup Records form will slide in from the right side of your screen… you will need to find and select the injury record(s) by: –

  1. Entering your search string into the “Look for records” box.
  2. Clicking on a displayed record to select that record, or revise your search string if the required record is not displayed.
  3. Clicking on another displayed record to select that record, or enter a new search string into the “Add more records” box.
  4. Clicking on the Add button to associate the selected record(s) with this incident

•  Add an * to the beginning of a search string to look for the string with the name of an injury.

The Investigation tab

In the Information, RootCauses, Contributing Factors, and Investigation Report sections of the Investigation tab, enter any relevant information or select options from the dropdown lists.


•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

The Sign Off tab

In the Sign Off tab, select the person signing off the incident, and enter any relevant comments.


•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

The Incident Business Process Flow

The incident business process flow provides a guided experience for completing an incidents stages.

  1. Initiated & Approved
  2. Gather Information
  3. Investigate Incident
  4. Close Incident

The stage elments.

  1. The current stage is easily identified by a red target, as seen in the example incident below.
  2. The length of time that the incident has been on this stage is displayed at the top of the focus list.
  3. Each stage of the business process flow can contain one or more focus fields that require your attention before moving to the next stage.
    Only the focus fields in the current stage are editable from the focus list.
  4. Click on the Next Stage button to change the focus to the next stage.
    Click on the Finish button to complete the Iincident, when you are ready.
  1. Click on the < (back) button, where available, to revert back to a previous stage.
  2. To close the focus list, click on the X at the top right corner of the focus list.

•  The focus fields can be viewed by clicking on each of the stage points (A, B, C, or D) at any time throughout the process.


The Injury table type is where you can manage your Injury rows by viewing, updating, deleting and creating new rows (records).

The Active Injury view

The Active Injury view displays all existing injury rows.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing injury rows.

  1. Click on the Injuries option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the injury Name to open that row.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions control the visible command bar buttons.

Creating a new Injury record from an injury view
  1. You can add new injury rows by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will open a blank Injury form.

Creating a new Injury record from an open injury record
  1. You can also add a new injury record by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will check the open injury record for any unsaved changes, before opening a blank injury record.

The General tab

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the record.

In the General tab: –

  1. Enter a Name that you wish to give this injury record.
    This is a mandatory field and must contain data before saving the new record.
  2. Enter any other relevant information in other fields on this tab.
  3. Click on the Save button in the command bar to save the record.
  4. Click on the Add Existing Incident option in the Associated Incidents section, to associate one or more incidents with this injury record.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.


The Hazard table type is where you are able to manage your hazard details by viewing, updating, deleting and creating new rows (records).

The Active Hazards view

The Active Hazards view displays all existing hazard records.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing injury records.

  1. Click on the Hazards option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the incident Name to directly open that record.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions also control the visible command bar buttons.

Creating a new Hazard record from a hazard view
  1. You can add new hazard records by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will open a blank Hazard form.

Creating a new Hazard record from an open hazard record
  1. You can also add a new hazard record by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will check the open hazard record for any unsaved changes, before opening a blank hazard form.

The General tab

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the record.

In the General tab: –

  1. Name – enter the name that you wish to give this hazard record.
    This is a mandatory field and must contain data before saving the new record.
  2. Enter any other relevant information in other fields on this tab.
  3. Click on the Save button in the command bar to save the record.
  4. Click on the Add Existing Incident option in the Associated Incidents section, to associate one or more incidents with this hazard record.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

Adding an existing Incident to a Hazard

After clicking on the Add Existing Incident option, a Lookup Records form will slide in from the right side of your screen… you will need to find and select the incident record(s) by: –

  1. Entering your search string into the “Look for records” box.
  2. Clicking on a displayed record to select that record, or revise your search string if the required record is not displayed.
  3. Clicking on another displayed record to select that record, or enter a new search string into the “Add more records” box.
  4. Clicking on the Add button to associate the selected record(s) with this incident

•  Add an * to the beginning of a search string to look for the string with the name of an injury.

The Analysis / Evalution tab

In the Analysis / Evaluation tab: –

  • Select the Most Affected option that best fits the hazard,
  • Select the Initial Risk Rating by clicking on a coloured square in the risk matrix… this action will auto fill the text associated with the selected risk matrix number, and
  • Select the Residual Risk Rating by clicking on a coloured square in the risk matrix… this action will auto fill the text associated with the selected risk matrix number.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

The Monitor/Review/Interactions tab

In the Monitor/Review/Interactions tab, you can: –

  1. Add relevant information in the Monitor
  2. Add any commnts in the Review Comments
  3. Add one or more new Notes or Activities by clicking on the + icon in the Interactions

•  You can only add new Notes or Activities, once the hazard has been saved.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

Hazardous Chemical Register

The Hazardous Chemical table type is where you are able to manage your register of hazardous chemical details by viewing, updating, deleting and creating new rows (records).

The Active Hazardous Chemical Register view

The Active Hazards view displays all existing hazard records.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing injury records.

  1. Click on the Hazardous Chemicals option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the incident Name to directly open that record.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions also control the visible command bar buttons.

Creating a new Hazardous Chemical Register record from a hazardous chemical register view
  1. You can add new hazardous chemical register records by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will open a blank Hazardous Chemical form.

Creating a new Hazardous Chemical Register record from an open hazardous chemical register record
  1. You can also add a new hazardous chemical register record by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will check the open hazard chemical register record for any unsaved changes, before opening a blank hazardous chemical register form.

The General tab

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the record.

In the General tab: –

  1. Chemical Name – enter the chemical name for this record.
    This is a mandatory field and must contain data before saving the new record.
  2. Enter any other relevant information in other fields on this tab.
  3. Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar to save the record.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

The HSE Settings area is where the HSE app supervisor and Administror can manage, and record User, HSE Location and HSE Vehicle information.



The Users table type is where you are able to manage your user’s details by viewing, and updating rows (records).

The HSE Enabled Users view

The HSE Enabled Users view displays all existing user records.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing injury records.

  1. Click on the Users option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the incident Full Name to directly open that record.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions also control the visible command bar buttons.

The Summary and Details tabs

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the record.

In the Summary and Details tabs: –

  1. Ensure that all mandatory fields are correct name for this record.
    These mandatory fields must contain data before saving the record.
  2. Enter any other information in the provided fields as needed.
  3. Enter any relevant information within the Details
  4. Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar to save the record.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

HSE Locations

The HSE Locations table type is where you are able to manage your location details by viewing, updating, deleting and creating new rows (records).

The Active Locations view

The Active Locations view displays all existing location records.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing injury records.

  1. Click on the HSE Locations option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the incident Name to directly open that record.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions also control the visible command bar buttons.

Creating a new HSE Location record from a HSE Location view
  1. You can add new HSE location records by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will open a blank HSE Location form.

Creating a new HSE Location record from an open HSE Location record
  1. You can also add a new HSE Location record by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will check the open HSE Location record for any unsaved changes, before opening a blank HSE Location form.

The General tab

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the record.

In the General tab: –

  1. Name of Location – enter the name for this record.
    This is a mandatory field and must contain data before saving the new record.
  2. Enter the address for this location.
  3. Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar to save the record.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.

HSE Vehicles

The HSE Vehicles table type is where you are able to manage your vehicle details by viewing, updating, deleting and creating new rows (records).

The Active HSE Vehicles view

The Active HSE Vehicles view displays all existing vehicle records.


•  You may have to use paging, backward or forward, to see all existing injury records.

  1. Click on the HSE Vehicles option in the Sitemap to view existing rows.
  2. Click on the Tick icon to select all rows in the currently view.
    Click on the Tick icon again to deselect all rows displayed.
  3. Click on the Name to directly open that record.
  4. Select a single row in the current view by: –

Clicking to the left of the name column, on any given row, to select that row.
Click in the white space on any given row, to select that row.

Select multiple rows by by holding down either the Shift or Ctrl button and selecting a row.


•  Selecting one or more rows will change the available command bar buttons.

•  Your assigned permissions also control the visible command bar buttons.

Creating a new HSE Vehicle record from a HSE Vehicle view
  1. You can add new HSE Vehicle records by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will open a blank HSE Vehicle form.

Creating a new HSE Vehicle record from an open HSE Vehicle record
  1. You can also add a new HSE Vehicle record by clicking on the +New button in the command bar… this action will check the open HSE Vehicle record for any unsaved changes, before opening a blank HSE Vehicle form.

The General tab

You must enter information in all the mandatory fields (those marked with a red *), before you can save the record.

In the General tab: –

  1. Enter the vehicle details for this record.
    The Asset Name is a mandatory field and must contain data before saving the new record.
  2. Enter the driver details for this record.
  3. Enter the insurance details for this record.
  4. Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar to save the record.

•  Click on the Save or Save & Close button in the command bar when you have completed entering or updating information.