Government Solutions

Discover how ECLEVA empowers Australian government agencies with innovative business applications, leveraging our expertise as a Microsoft Business Applications Partner.

Transforming Agencies with ECLEVA:

A Case Study on the

Inspector General and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO) Journey


In a rapidly evolving business landscape, IGTO sought improve its services by enhancing their technology solutions. Partnering with ECLEVA, they embarked on a transformative journey, leveraging cutting-edge solutions to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth.


The IGTO’s business processes had changed over time, becoming misaligned with its supporting systems. The IGTO undertook this project aiming to improve

  • How it interacts with stakeholders
  • How organises, searches and analyses large amounts of information
  • Its ability to report on outcomes

The need for a unified solution was evident to alleviate the pain points and propel the agency forward. To improve the customer experience and inter-agency interactions, the IGTO wanted the ability to engage with these stakeholders via web-based portals.


ECLEVA’s comprehensive approach involved the deployment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service for Case Management, integration of dual portals for agency and customer interactions, and seamless SharePoint integrations for document management. The adoption of Power Automate, Customer Voice, and a Model-Driven Power App further fortified the solution’s robustness.

ECLEVA and IGTO worked collaboratively to address the project goals. Portal design assured the successful receipt and delivery of information and audit logging for governance. A complex security model underscored the solution’s success in enhancing IGTO’s operational capabilities to meet the needs of managing confidential case data.


Successful implementation has improved IGTO productivity through automation, Information Management and Single Source of Truth record keeping. With the existing government uptake of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and IGTO’s internal IT team’s familiarity with the Microsoft ecosystem, the transition was smooth. With ECLEVA’s ongoing support, the IGTO is excited to continuously improve its systems to realise further productivity gains.